Temperantia Lodge Passes Bro Williams

Bro John Williams was kindly Passed to the Second Degree by Temperantia Lodge No.4088 in a wonderful ceremony on the 15th March 2016 at Freemasons’ Hall, Leicester.

As a Universities Scheme Lodge, the Wyggeston Lodge has relied on other local Lodges to perform Passing Ceremonies on their behalf in order to progress their members through the three degrees of Masonry in a timely fashion. Temperantia Lodge has kindly performed a Passing Ceremony during the past three years including Passing Bro Williams.

The Master of the Wyggeston Lodge, WBro Paul Bodycot, along with the Vice-Chairman of the Universities Scheme, WBro Andy Green, attended the Lodge to support Bro. Williams. The Lodge thanks the Master, WBro Jerry Kinder, the Wardens and Brethren of Temperantia Lodge No.4088 for Passing Bro. Williams.

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